Saturday, February 28, 2009

Ebony, and Jet magazine need your help

One of the MOST notable permanent fixtures in EVERY black household (back in the days), was the Ebony, along with Jet magazine.

If you wanted to learn about your history, the plight of black america, current issues facing black americans, how the political process of america affects you, how politics works, who the hottest actors were, what time a particular black television show aired, who got married recently, who were the most eligible bachelors, and bachelorettes in your town, what cities had black mayors, police chiefs, school superintendents, how to register to vote, what cars offer the best value for the buck, who employed black americans, how to apply for college scholarships, ect, MORE THAN LIKELY, the Ebony, or the Jet magazine could help you find answers to those questions.

We have recently been informed that the Johnson Publishing Company organization is currently going through a financial crisis. The company is attempting a reorganization in order to survive.  Many people have already lost their jobs with a company that has employed thousands of black americans during the course of it's existence.

In order to support this effort to save OUR magazine, my friends and myself have pledged to get a subscription to both, Ebony, and Jet magazine, starting with one year. We are urging EVERY other person who comes across this plea, to do the same. Please post, repost, and post again, to any blog that you may own, or support. Please email this to EVERY person that you know, regardless of their background. Let them know that Ebony, and Jet magazine has been part of the black american culture for 3 quarters of a century, and that there is a lot that they can learn about black american culture from reading them.

We are currently discussing the idea of throwing an Ebony/Jet party, where people can eat, drink, and sign up for their subscription on the spot. Please spread this idea around to all that you know. Your sororities, fraternities, lodges, VFW posts, churches, civic groups, block clubs, caps meetings, book clubs, ect.

It would be a crying shame, to lose our historic magazine, during the same year of such an historic event as the election of our FIRST BLACK President of the US.

May our Father continue to bless us, in the name of our savior, Jesus Christ.

Sent via my BlackBerry...if you have a minute, please check out ...if you need to contact me right away call me at 219-512-9910, thanks, Ryan.

Eight Steps to Problem Solving with Brian Tracy

Eight Steps to Problem Solving
By: Brian Tracy

There is a simple eight step method for systematic problem solving. By solving problems in an orderly way, you can dramatically increase the power of your thinking.

Proceed With A Positive Attitude

First, approach the problem with the expectant attitude that there is a logical practical solution just waiting to be found. Be relaxed, calm, confident and clear in your mind.

Second, change your language from negative to positive. Instead of the word "problem," use the word "situation." Problem is a negative word while situation is a neutral word. "We have an interesting situation", is better than, "We have a problem."Define the Situation Clearly

The third step in systematic problem-solving is to define the situation clearly, in writing. "Exactly what is the situation?" Then ask, "What else is the situation?" Sometimes stating the problem in different words makes it much easier to solve.

Once, when I was working with the Chamber of Commerce, I came to the attention of a senior executive who hired me away from the company I was working for a year later, at triple the salary. Meeting people is very important. Network at every opportunity.!

Identify Causes and Solutions

Step number four is to, ask "What are all the possible causes of this situation?" Failure to identify the causes or reasons for the situation often causes you to have to solve it again and again. Fully 25% or more of situations can be effectively dealt with by discovering the correct causes.

Step number five is to ask, "What are all the possible solutions?" Write out as many solutions or answers to the situation as possible before moving on. The quantity of possible solutions usually determines the quality of the solution chosen.

Clear Decisions Are Key

Step number six is to "Make a clear decision." Usually any decision is better than none.

Step number seven is to "Assign clear responsibility for carrying out the decision and then set a deadline for completion and review." Remember, a decision without a deadline is just a fruitless discussion.

Finally, step number eight is to follow-up, monitor the decision, compare actual results with expected results and then generate new solutions and new courses of action.

Sent via my BlackBerry...if you have a minute, please check out ...if you need to contact me right away call me at 219-512-9910, thanks, Ryan.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

President Barack Obama addressed a joint session of Congress for the first time.

Last night, I addressed a joint session of Congress for the first time.

To confront the serious economic challenges our nation faces, I called for a new era of responsibility and cooperation.

We need to look beyond short term political calculations and make vital investments in health care, energy, and education that will make America stronger and more prosperous well into the future.Watch a few highlights from my address and share it with your friends now:A little more than a month into my administration, we've already taken bold steps to address our urgent economic problems.

Through the Recovery Act, the Stability Plan, and the Housing Plan, we're taking the immediate necessary measures to halt our economic downturn and provide much-needed assistance to working people and their families.But to set our country on a new course of stability and prosperity, we must reject the old ways of doing business in Washington.

We can no longer tolerate fiscal deficits and runaway spending while deferring the consequences to future generations.That's why I pledged last night to cut our deficit in half by the end of my term. Achieving that goal will require making sacrifices and hard decisions, as well as an honest budgeting process that is straight with taxpayers about where their dollars are going.

Watch some key moments from my address now:

Central to this plan will be a renewed commitment to honesty and transparency in government. Restoring our country's economic health will only happen when ordinary citizens are given the opportunity to hold their representatives fully accountable for the decisions they make.

I look forward to continuing to work with you as we bring about the change you made possible.

Thank you,
President Barack Obama

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Obama’s Address and State of the Nation on Live with Facebook 2/24/09

Obama's Address and State of the Nation on Live with Facebook

Time and Place

Tue Feb 24 from 9:00 pm to 12:00 am

CNN and

Description Live and Facebook are bringing it back! RSVP now to watch a special edition of State of the Union with John King on Live, starting at Noon ET. Special coverage continues throughout the day until President Obama's address at 9PM ET. Live special coverage includes:

8AM: State of the Nation coverage begins

11AM: Christiane Amanpour analyzes U.S. foreign policy

12PM: State of the Union with John King (Special Edition)

1PM: State of the Economy Special with the CNN Money Team

9PM: President Obama's Address to Congress

You can watch all of this LIVE with your Facebook friends and share status updates, just like the experience Live and Facebook brought you on Inauguration Day.

Don't miss your chance to chat about economic change with your friends during the State of the Union with John King on Live, followed by President Obama's Address on CNN and Live.

Sent via my BlackBerry...if you have a minute, please check out ...if you need to contact me right away call me at 219-512-9910, thanks, Ryan.

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