Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Important Indiana Legislation: The Renewable Energy and Job Creation Act

With gas prices going up by the day and families being forced to spend large amounts of their budgets on gas, the need for a new energy policy and measures to support the middle class is clear. Last Wednesday, May 21, I voted for an important bill to establish common sense energy policy and lend hard-working Americans a helping hand. H.R. 6049, the Renewable Energy and Job Creation Act, which would expand the production and use of renewable energy, create jobs, and provide tax relief to Northwest Indiana’s middle class families, passed the House of Representatives with bipartisan support by a vote of 263-160.

The Renewable Energy and Job Creation Act would increase the production of renewable fuels and renewable electricity and encourage greater energy efficiency in order to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and protect the environment. It extends and expands tax incentives for renewable electricity, energy, and fuel from domestic sources, as well as for plug-in hybrid cars and energy efficient homes, buildings, and appliances. These provisions are an important component of diversifying our energy mix and solving the energy crisis. They will also help preserve and create many good-paying jobs in the renewable energy industry.

The Renewable Energy and Job Creation Act also provides a much-needed economic stimulus by supporting businesses that invest in America’s future and providing tax relief to millions of American families. It extends the research and development tax credit to spur American innovation and business investment, and cuts taxes for many people in Northwest Indiana. The bill would expand eligibility for the $1,000 refundable child tax credit and provide tax relief to homeowners who do not itemize their deductions by permitting them to deduct up to $700 of property taxes in addition to their standard deduction. It is a fiscally responsible measure that offsets the tax breaks for hard-working people and businesses that invest in America by closing tax loopholes for corporations and executives such as outsourcing jobs and investing overseas.

The weak economy has left families across Northwest Indiana struggling to make ends meet. The Renewable Energy and Job Creation Act will ease the pinch on families and will also create many much-needed jobs in Northwest Indiana. It is a common sense measure that we in Northwest Indiana need.


Pete Visclosky
Member of Congress

Washington Office
2256 Rayburn
House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
phone: (202) 225-2461
fax: (202) 225-2493

Northwest Indiana Office
701 East 83rd Avenue, Suite 9
Merrillville, IN 46410
phone: (219) 795-1844
(888) 423-PETE (toll-free)
fax: (219) 795-1850

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Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton... 3 more contests left

Only three contests remain in the Democratic primary.

Voters head to the polls in Puerto Rico on Sunday, followed by South Dakota and Montana on Tuesday.

After more than four dozen contests, Barack has won the most votes, the most delegates, and more than half the states. But we still need 48 delegates to secure the nomination.

We're fighting in these critical states and making the preparations necessary to take on Senator McCain.

The financial demands on our immediate horizon are greater than at any point in the campaign so far. We face a critical reporting deadline on Saturday, and your support could make the difference before these last three contests.

Step up and own a piece of this campaign at this crucial moment. Make your first donation of $25 now:

The primaries will be over on Tuesday, June 3rd, but there's another important deadline coming up even sooner.

This Saturday at midnight is the financial reporting deadline for the month of May.

Give our campaign a crucial boost before these final contests, and send a message that we are ready to move to the next phase and compete against Senator McCain in all 50 states.

Now is the time to show your support -- make a donation now:

This has been a long journey, and it's hard to believe that there are just three primaries to go.

Millions of supporters like you have joined this movement for change and organized in their local communities.

We've reached out to new voters and brought people who had given up on politics back into the process.

The last primary votes will be counted in just seven days. Show your support today. Make a donation of $25:

Thanks for all you've done,


David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America

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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

How do you tell a love one that they need to lose weight

How do you tell a love one that they need to lose weight?

A Heavy Discussion
John H. Sklare, Ed.D
Monday, May 19, 2008

How do you tell a loved one that he or she needs to lose weight without angering or offending them? This is a very difficult subject to broach because it opens the door to all kinds of intense emotions. However, allowing someone you love to continue along the path to obesity and illness is simply not an option in my world. Sure, our loved ones are free to ignore our concern and advice, but to say nothing or do nothing is simply something that I find unacceptable. So what do you do if you find yourself with a loved one who is in need of a wake-up call and a wellness makeover?

If you’re in this sensitive situation, I suggest you sit down with your loved one and say something like the following: “I want to talk to you about a very touchy subject. It’s only going to take a few minutes, and it’s going to be very difficult for both of us. But, because I love you and care about you so much, I simply feel compelled to speak up. However, before I begin, I have one request I would like you to agree to. First, I don’t want you to say a word. I know that is going to be very difficult to do, but I only want you to listen today. I will give you an opportunity to respond later. After I finish, I am just going to get up and leave.”

I might add that a short hug, touch on the shoulder, or kiss on the check might be a good idea as you leave. Finally, ask the person to pick a time tomorrow when you can meet up for their response. Then express your love and leave. Asking the person not to respond allows them to really listen, allows you to get your thoughts out uninterrupted, and eliminates the potential for an argument. I have taken this approach myself, and it typically works out well. Do it with compassion, sensitivity and love, and you just may be surprised at what happens!

Wishing You Great Health,
Dr. John H. Sklare

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Monday, May 26, 2008

An excerpt from Brian Tracy's The Way to Wealth In Action: The Journey Continues:

An excerpt from Brian Tracy's The Way to Wealth In Action: The Journey Continues:
The Way to Wealth System

Selling on the Internet:

Internet marketing should be a part of all your business activities. More and more people, to the tune of tens of billions of dollars each year, are buying via the Internet. It is fast, easy, convenient, and at their fingertips, anytime, anywhere. To achieve your full potential for business success, you must have an Internet presence.

There are hundreds of books written on how to sell more effectively using the Internet. But the basic truth remains the same: make it easy to buy from you!

Make your offer simple and clear. Make your prices and terms easy to understand and accept. Offer unconditional guarantees. Remove the greatest fear that Internet shoppers have, which is the fear that they will be stuck with something that is inappropriate for them. Take that fear away by giving them overwhelming guarantees and assurances of satisfaction.

Put pictures of yourself and your staff on your Web site. Give phone numbers to enable visitors to your site to contact you directly if they have a question. Develop a customer service policy for anyone who phones to request information or to purchase something from your site. Be friendly, polite, and courteous. Welcome them and thank them for calling. Thank them for their order. Make them happy that they decided to buy from you.

"The Way to Wealth" shows you...

The #1 reason for business problems

The key determinant to growth and profitability

The most important sale you MUST make

Where all wealth and growth comes from

How to sell "improvement" and profit WILDLY

Where the central focus of a business MUST be to achieve success

The 2 Great Rules of business that cannot be ignored

Where your focus MUST be to become a more valuable person and business owner

The one way you can succeed against continuing, AGGRESSIVE competition

The one way you can not only survive, but THRIVE in our rapidly changing world

Get The Way to Wealth System and get all your questions answered about selling on the internet

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