Thursday, October 15, 2009

Stimulus funding fuels hope for Gary :: Lake County :: Post-Tribune

Stimulus funding fuels hope for Gary :: Lake County :: Post-Tribune: "GARY -- Mayor Rudy Clay and his cabinet are promoting positive projects taking place in their city as federal stimulus dollars continue to roll in.

'Gary, Indiana, right now is in the red zone, going into the end zone,' Clay said Wednesday in an editorial board meeting with the Post-Tribune.

Those projects include 200 LED street lights that will be erected around Gary using a federal energy conservation block grant.

Joel Rodriguez, Clay's special assistant for economic development, said those lights will save the city 1,313 megawatt hours of energy over 13 years.
The city also still plans on replacing 120 vehicles in its fleet with fuel-efficient vehicles using a $3 million grant from the Federal Highway Administration.

'The city of Gary is being proactive,' Christopher Meyers, director of planning, said."

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