Saturday, July 12, 2008

Jill Long Thompson ...The Hoosier Hometown Tour

Jill Long Thompson and Dennie Oxley are hitting the road. This morning, our campaign kicked off the "Hoosier Hometown Tour," visiting the small communities across Indiana that shaped Jill and Dennie's lives and made them who they are today. But you don't have to make it to a campaign stop to learn more about Jill. This video, which made its debut at the Democratic state convention recently, shows why Hoosiers like Birch Bayh, Evan Bayh and Judy O'Bannon are supporting her campaign. Take a look at "Jill Long Thompson: Daughter of Indiana":

While the video features some of Indiana's most popular and distinguished leaders, Jill and Dennie know that it's going to take the support of regular folks across the state to win this election. That's the purpose of the Hoosier Hometown Tour - and that's why we want to hear from you. Why are you supporting Jill for Governor? Take a look at the video and let us know:

As I travel across the state with Jill, the one concern we hear about most is the struggling economy. Hoosiers are scared that they're going to lose their jobs, their farms, their homes, and their peace of mind.

Jill grew up in the small communities hardest hit by today's problems. She learned the value of hard work and unrelenting optimism from the people who today are fighting to succeed. With the tremendous experience Indiana has given her -- as a professor, a member of Congress, the Under Secretary for Rural Development at the Department of Agriculture and a farm owner herself -- I know Jill is the right person to put the Indiana economy back on the right track.

The more people meet Jill and Dennie during the Hoosier Hometown Tour, the more they'll realize why they are the right team to make Indiana great again.

Even if you can't make it to one of this week's tour events, we want to know why you are supporting Jill in this election. Is it her strong record in rural development? Her commitment to reinvesting in the people of Indiana? Her dedication to cleaning up Governor Mitch Daniels' mess in Indianapolis?

Your comments may be used in future campaign emails, videos, or speeches - so please take a minute to make your opinions known.

Thank you for your support.
Travis LoweCampaign ManagerHoosiers for Jill Long Thompson

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